Professor Clement A. Price

November 5, 2014

Members of the Rutgers Community:

We are devastated by the news that our beloved friend and colleague, Board of Governors Distinguished Service Professor of History Clement Alexander Price, died earlier today after suffering a stroke on Sunday.  Dr. Price was a nationally recognized historian, a public intellectual, a teacher and mentor to so many of us, and a man of deep and abiding love for Rutgers.  In addition to all these attributes, Dr. Price was my own friend, colleague, and advisor.  His passing is a tremendous and painful loss for our entire Rutgers community and for the people of New Jersey. He leaves a legacy of important scholarship, intellectual leadership, civic advocacy, and immeasurable inspiration, and he personally touched the lives of thousands.

I want to share with everyone at Rutgers the message that Chancellor Nancy Cantor has sent to the Rutgers University–Newark community about this tragic loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with Clem’s dear wife, Mary Sue, and with their family and friends.


Bob Barchi

Chancellor's Message:

Dear University and Community Members,

It is with the most profound sadness that I write to let you know of the passing of our dearest of friends and colleagues, Dr. Clement Alexander Price.

The words can hardly seem true.  It is impossible at this moment to imagine this world, let alone our university or our community, without him.  He is a primary reason why so many of us at Rutgers University–Newark are here.  His knowledge was seemingly without bounds, his sincerity without qualification, his warmth and wisdom, to echo a favorite phrase of his, like no other.  The people whose lives he touched are truly uncountable—students, faculty and staff colleagues, community members, friends everywhere, collaborators from all corners of the earth whom he quickly and enthusiastically embraced as friends, and the incalculable numbers of people affected by his scholarship and teaching or moved by the waves of his influence wherever he turned his thoughtful gaze or concerted attention.  Wherever he was, he exuded a love of humanity so deep and wide, so thorough and universal, that one could not be in his presence and not want to join him in whatever endeavor engaged him, because whatever engaged him was never about what he needed, but what we all need—understanding, reconciliation, justice, generosity, peace, love.

Grief like so many of us feel so acutely right now can be experienced in different ways, and as we grapple with it, I remind all members of our university community that we have counseling services available for students, faculty, and staff.  Students at Rutgers University–Newark may contact the Counseling Center at 973.353.5805.  Employees across Rutgers may contact Rutgers Human Resources/Faculty Staff & Assistance Program at 848.932.3956.

We are working in concert with Clem’s family to plan for memorializing and celebrating the remarkable life and legacy of our treasured friend and colleague who not only touched, but shaped so many of us.  We will announce details as soon as possible.  As we grieve deeply, we extend our arms and hearts to embrace Clem’s beloved wife, Mary Sue, and his sister, Jarmila, and brother, James.

In shared profound sorrow,

Nancy Cantor